
Honeybuns Leaving Do

Charlotte C is leaving us today, which is a real shame. We’ll miss her & she was soooo good at her job. We’re kind of hoping she might come back on a o a part time basis. She was a great baker & had recently started training new comers to the bakery as well. We’ll find it hard to replace her calmness under pressure skills!
Gay- who checks all of our daily food safety paperwork is on hols for a month in Australia from today. This means we’ll all have to share the paperwork out & attempt to be as organised as Gay would be! Her daughter is due to have a baby & Gay has gone to enjoy all the Grandmother things.

Today will be typically bustling for a Friday, we tend to receive our orders in on a Friday & the baking programme for next week is then drawn up. We all look at the fax machine like Pavlov’s dogs in the expectation of big orders- we all still get a bit excited. Char, Matt & I are still attempting to get together for our financial meeting but keep running out of time, we HAVE to do it today. It’s not as dry & turgid as it might sound. We get to battle it out for our particular projects be they: marketing/ eco plan/ new buildings-modifications. The things Matt tends to baulk at, are the ‘pretty things for the Bee Shack Cafe’ project.
This weekend is reuninon time with Matt & I & Mal & Rak who used to be deeply involved in Honeybuns back in 1999-2002. They saw sense & got proper jobs! It’ll be lovely to catch up and hang out together.
It’s a truly beautiful morning after last night’s tempest. Run is definitely on the agenda for this afternoon.
Em x