
Cakes & Canapes

Hello there,
Matt & I had a lovely weekend & left work alone altogether. We went t London to meet some friends & saw an incredibly short play at the Donmar Warehouse. It was called the Cryptogram or sth very similar-.cryptic it most certainly was.
We then walked through town to the Tate & really enjoyed watching people whizzing through very long transportation tubes. We even saw Jonathon Ross & his family flying through air. The day got even more surreal as we wandered around the Dali & company exhibition.We got back to Guildford (where our friends live) quite late & fancied a drink-we got one by accidentally wandering into a lively lock in. Really good fun was had by all with the music ranging from hard house to Joleen by Dolly Parton. It made quite a nice change from Dorsety.
Now, back to reality, Honeybuns are hosting a sampling week in our Bee Shack Cafe as part of Dorset Food Weeks.We’re offering teas & coffees plus cakes to buy as per usual but also lots of slivers of cakes to nibble plus canapes to try for free.I need to get motoring this morning & make the canapes-.the first session starts at 11am & I reckon they’ll take me 40 mins to do.They’re cute litte heart shapes fashioned from polenta, onion seeds & all things nice, topped with tomato pesto & -..whatever we have in the fridge-goats cheese probably & maybe some roasted pumpkin.
I’ve just hit on an idea for the Bee Shack team to wear on their T-Shirts. We wanted everyone to have name badges plus a pretty corsage when meeting & greeting with the public. Well, I found some lush tropical fake flowers in a surf shop in Arachon this summer & brought some back with me (we bought fake flower necklaces for the dogs too, naturlement). I think we could fashion corsages from them. The bar tender at the Guildford lockin had just such flowers woven into his hair & looked blissfully happy-.inspiration was coming at us from all angles over the weekend!
Aside from the Dorset Food Weeks stuff I’m interviewing for a new full time baker today, got a lovely sounding lady coming in at 10am. I need to call all the other applicants back for interviews etc.
We’re doing a mail shot today to all of our trade customers which tells them what we’re currently working on (savouries for Jan 07) & all sorts of other bakery related stuff.
It’s then back to school for me as I’m in the middle of my distance HACCP course. I’ve really enjoyed it & will hopefully sit my test this week & get my certificate sometime in November.
It is now canape time. I’ll let you know who comes to visit the Bee Shack (assuming we get visitors) tomorrow.
Em x