
Exciterous Tuesday!

Happy Halloween to all. If we ever got any trick or treaters I think I’d give them a wheelbarrow of sweeties-our drive is incredibly spooky at night. Added to that is our little pony Bee with the twisted nose. She has frightened a few night time visitors. Her breathing is very snuffle & loud as she can only use one nostril.At night, if you are walking up the drive in darkness & Bee is behind the hedge, doing her heavy breathing routine it can be quite disconcerting!
Yesterday morning went really well in terms of getting all the pre bakery stuff done. Animal breakfasts etc. Workwise was exciting too. Had a call from The Dorset Echo who wanted to chat to us & take some photos this morning about Dorset Food Weeks. Melissa, who started working for us three weeks ago, managed the whole Dorset Food Weeks event with great apomb so I’m hoping very much that they’ll interview her rather & take some nice pictures of our quirky Bee Shack Cafe.When the Poole Adult Education team popped round last week (they collect & recycle all of our foil trays) we invited them into the Bee Shack for a cup of tea & some cake. They loved it, so hopefully they’ll get a mention as well.
Matt, Melissa & I were in the bakery last night doing a bit of extra cleaning & painting of walls. It is surprising how knocked & chipped the walls get even though we paint them at least 4 times a year. I guess our bakery- converted barn is a busy hardworking building & wear & tear is inevitable.
Can’t wait to see how the 2 ladies on cleaning trials will work out this week. We desperately need to find a full time, dedicated cleaner.The team are whacked at the end of a day & it is not fair to ask them to do it.
Our new goods in room is just about finished. The new floor went down yesterday & we’re moving ingredients & new shelving in there today. It will mean that we get a much better flow of production right the way through the building & will improve food safety & efficency.I’d better pop off. Equines need doing, Diesel gets the last of his arthritis drugs today (they’ve done wonders for his poor old knackered hips) & we kick off with an early morning interview at 8.30 am for a trainee baker. Sounds a lovely person so fingers crossed!
Laterz, Em x