All things sweet & savoury
Our savoury BumbleOs are tasting really nice now. We’ve worked hard on the base texture to make sure it stays crisp,even after we add the delicious chutney. The end product is kind of like a flourless, breadless sandwich alternative. Really, really nice & completely unique (or so we think!). It probably will not take long for it to be copied but fortunately our little product devpt kitchen is bursting at the seams with new ideas. We just need to keep moving forwards.
We’ve just had a new chocolate shredder delivered for the bakery which we are really pleased with.We can now phase out the ever so slightly naff, chocolate buttons that we use to decorate our milk chocolate brownies & Congo Bars with. We can now produce our own flaky bits & pieces out of the various high grades of Belgian chocolate that we use.Previously we could only buy chocolate in button format but with this spanking new shredding device we’ll be able to buy huge blocks in & make all sorts of wonderful non buttoney shaped things to pop onto our cakes!
I guess it’s nice that such simple things are so exciting to us here at Honeybuns-.we must all endeavour to get out more in 2007..?
This afternoon we’re having one of our twice weekly training sessions with new team members. We’re delighted with our new team members who have really absorbed hygiene, gluten free & general product knowledge very quickly indeed.
HACCP work is also progressing well & we are very close to finishing all the final details on our latest HACCP policy.All thanks to our food safety consulatant, Angela for helping us through what can be a minefield!
Tonight I’m going to start wrapping up all the Xmas pressies for the team goodie bags which we’ll give out on the X mas do. Honeybuns hit the bars & clubs of Weymouth on Sat. 16th Dec.I hope we do not get pounced on- none of us look particularly streetwise..we’ll see but I’m sure it’ll be high jinx & capers once we seek out the various hostelries & drinking dens we’ve heard so much about here in sleepy Holwell!
Love Em x