
New Website!


please do check out our new website if you have time. Again, Sara has done us proud on the arty bits & Lesley from the Solutions Factory, (in Wales) has done the technical bits & lay out. We’re really, really pleased with it & very thankful to the aforementioned for all their help & hard work.
We are not going to sell online for the forseeable future- too little toime to do this properly but you can now buy our stuff from which is a bonus.
other bits we’ll add will be all the help & support we received from various local companies re the 2006 Bee Hop.
Training went well today & there is more to do tomorrow. Feels like we’re getting there in terms of completing our in house training programme for 2006. Had a visit from a really helpful lady, Tricia today. She is a skills broker & is helping us to figure out where to go in 2007 re staff development. We;re thinking various NVQs may well be the way forward.
Savoury BumbleO devpt has hit a slight glitch-ie the packaging is not quite as straightforward as we thought it was going to be.We’ll get over it somehow but will involve a fair deal of head scratching.
Nick Vining (used to farm here) is helping us out at the mo. by building a new covered walkway from the rear of the bakery to the new blast freezer.Doesn’t sound very exciting ,but it’ll improve things a lot for us day to day.At the moment this little area is quite scruffy & lets the rest of the buildings down a bit. I love it when everything is getting sorted & up & together.
I’m off for a bit as from this Friday. Going into hospital for (hopefully) final operation. Trish is kindly lending me her bright pink dressing gown. Haven’t seen it but sounds intriguing.
Will hopefully be back to writing this end of next week just before us girls scoot off to Birmingham.
See you soon,
Em x