
Gluten Free Cakes

We’re trying to beat off this horrible grey wintry weather by making the office snug & cosy. We’ve got some vanilla candles on the go, a really nice electric fire kindly donated by my in laws, John & Jane & lovely flowers plus Christmas cards.
It all looks quite jolly & I think I’ll take some photos of it for the website pages.
The website still needs a bit of work doing on it-more product info & more on our Bee Hop Festival. I think I’d better crack on with these amendments fairly sharpish. These precious few days before Christmas are surprisingly quiet for us at Honeybuns. The majority of our big pre Christmas orders have already left the bakery & are winging themselves to depots up & down the land.So,this would be the ideal time for me to get stuck into jobs like the website but my thoughts keep wondering onto : ‘just what are we going to have for Christmas dinner & how am I going to do the parsnips?’ I’m such a shocking day dreamer-I can predict my new Year’s Resolutions already! Try & focus more on the business & be more commercial!
I’m going to make deluxe gluten free mince pies for the team tomorrow & we’re going to have a briefing on our team outing to Weymouth. Charlotte, bakery uber meister, has written some very funny ‘rules of engagement’ & I just hope the night goes smoothly. We have some fairly big characters within the ranks!
We all still feel nice & relaxed since the audit on Monday. We’ve begun to tease each other in the office again which is always a good sign. Things were eerily quiet before the audit and all just had our heads down whilst trudging through the necessary paperwork.
Our cakes were not selected by Virgin trains this time round. They were too pricey but they liked the quality which is re assuring to hear.
Virgin were a very good customer for us & it would have been great to have secured more business with them-.maybe in 2008?
Our cakes are selling well in France & Hong Kong, which is quite random but we’re delighted that the export side of things is beginning to take shape.
My wrinkles were deemed to be not too serious, so I guess I’ll have to find something else to worry about now.
Last little bit of news, charlotte & I are going to see Keith Floyd tomorrow night which promises to be a lot of fun. Really can’t wait, I think he is soooo refreshing-a genuine full on character without playing to the cameras for the sake of it.
Will let you know how it goes,

Em x