
Gluten Free Cakes

Hello there,
it is proving a little bit difficult for us all to concentrate at the moment. I think it is all the pre Christmas exciterama. We’re getting near to our team awards in the Bee Shack. They’re at 1 pm sharp & hopefully we do not get too carried away, Matt needs to remain upright & together cos he is then tuning up for his gig in the afternoon-early evening.
I’m going to see Sara, our design-whizz-wunderkind, tomorrow morning to drop off pressies & see her luscious retriever puppies-well they’re adolescents now. Trish (my loverley office colleague) & I are going Christmas shopping very early in the morning & we will pop into see Sara on the way home. It’ll be nice to see her out of the office environment for once & forget about work just for a little while!
Our shopping trip is to finalise a few gifts & nibbles for the awards thingey so it is business but I’m sure we’ll have a bit of a drift onto non work related things.
Each year I try & act cool- each year I fail & get ridiculously over excir=ted by the whole Christmas thing.
On Christmas day this year Matt & I are planning to go for a morning run. It’ll be the first time I’ve been for a run since hospital so I’m looking forward (with a bit of trepidation).We need to start training for the half Marathon we’ll be running this august-gumpf!
Anything to get me way from my current fixation on Midsomer Murders & red wine time on the sofa..
Will blog again pre Christmas,
Em x