January Blues Blasters
Been a bit busy these last few days with trying to cheer the equines up. They really hate being confined to the barn without their usual access to the fields but it has been way to rough weather wise to let them out & the muddiness is horrendous.
Billy (the ex race horse who frequently has his ‘blonde’ moments) has managed to cut his fetlock quite badly. He is resting this morning & all cleaned up. I just can’t figure out how he did it. There is no wire anywhere in the field & it looks that type of cut. I’m a bit non plussed.
When we got billy.his legs were covered in old wire cut type scars- he does seem to be the accident prone type- if there is a hazard he’ll pop his pretty little hoof right in it.
Our donkey Joaney was also under the weather yesterday. She did not want her carrots which is a first & I was pretty worried that sth was seriously up but this morning she is back to normal & wolfed her brekkie down.
Work wise, gorgeous smells have been wafting over the yard from the bakery this morning. The bakery team are working on a batch of almondy shortbread bases at the moment & with quite a luxurious butter content, they smell utterly lush. A lot of the time I can’t smell anything but certain products still appear on the radar.
The BumbleO savoury work is almost complete, bar the packaging. We are looking for a sliding tray to help people eat it easily. I think we need to do a recce & collate all the tortilla wrap stylie packaging there is around & have a look at what we can learn.
this month will be busy on sales work. This involves calling exisiting & potential clients & trying to see how best we can work together in the coming months. We offer them samples and any new point of sale material we might have.We also try to get to meet as many bigger wholesalers as we can during Jan & February.We are off to Dublin in Feb. The only snag is I booked a 3 person room -one of my own blonde moments so with Matt & I as husband & wife plus Trish I think it is going to be a bit of an unusual Valentines Break. I sent Trish the hotel booking yesterday but hadn’t realised my mistake-she hasn’t mentioned anything yet-.not sure how to interpret that?
We’re also going up to Chorly to visit another wholesaler, also in Feb. We are going to hire a VW camper van for the trip & will take our bikes & running kit for a bit of a January-February blues blasting session out on the hills.
I need to get on with some work now, see you soon,