
Gluten Free Pizza!


apologies for the lack of recent blogs. Things have been tres hectic these last few days. We’re picking up the tempo on the launch of our brand new BumbleO. We’ve finalised the recipe & decided to go with launching it as a ‘heat through at home gluten free pizza’.Not very catchy so we’ll have to explain this a little more pithily on the packaging!
The base is a lovely homemade (by us naturally) flatbread studded with black onion seeds & chopped, fresh onion.The chutney is made for us by Emily down the lane (I feel a nursery rhyme coming on) & the vintage cheddar is from Denhay Farm.
We’re very pleased to be working with such acclaimed & VERY local suppliers.
The packaging side of things was causing us a bit of a headache but it is now all falling very much into place. The sleeve designs are awesome & characteristically quirky. Not to everyone’s taste but that’s how we like it.Kind of individual & ‘Oh soooo not mass market’
We’re launching large BumbleO trays to our wholesalers next week- which is exciting for us all. Charlotte has worked incredibly hard on this project of ‘full on’ product development & it’s the first time we’ve ever engaged in proper market research too.
It has been a very worthwhile exercise & I’d wholly recommend the research bit to anyone starting out in the food business. I read that we should be doing it- & ignored this advice or conveniently forgot in the maelstrom of all the other fledgling business issues we were grappling with at the time. Now we’ve done it, I can see the benefits. It is a refreshingly direct educational experience-the feedback forms we got back were so detailed & objective.Many thanks to any of you reading who sent one back to us! We really did deconstruct & reflect upon every comment & learnt a heck of a lot in the process.
THe next project on the semi boil is our pending exhibition in Tokyo in March. Matt & I are up to Londonium tomorrow to find out more about our stand, the logisitics & to meet the other exhibitors- we’re quite looking forward to our grand day out.There is quite a lot to figure out re translations etc. I had a really good chat with a lady at the Japanese embassy in London this afternoon. I explained that our Charlotte was very worried about her propensity to sneezing & that we’d read this was the height of rudeness. She laughed & said it was more a case of sneezing directly at someone that would be considered rude-well it would be in England too wouldn’t it?
Animals are all well. Billy-the ex racehorse is healing up nicely after damaging his fetlock. They’re all tucked up again tonight as the weather is so foul. The dogs have just been out for a wee & now are all back in ready for lights out.
Humans aren’t doing too bad either. Matt & I went to firends last night & hit the port bottle. Really not very clever for a Monday night but really very good fun. Limped through today a bit though on the work front so we’ll not be doing that again in a hurry. But we will because our fab friends from Scotland are coming down this weekend & that can only mean a heavy session of ale & air guitar!
That’ll be a wrap then. I’ll try & write another blogule laterz this week.
Love Em x