Gluten Free Baking
Trish & I had a good trip out down to Paignton to visit a very impressive wholesaler operation. It rather popped our humble Honeybuns HQ into perspective! Their offices were awesome & they had lots of enviable (in a nice way) warehousing space-well they had at least 4 enormous warehouses! Trish & I rocked up in our woolly jumpers & wind blustery hair & both felt like a couple of country mice. We think they liked the range of H’Buns stuff & the directors were going to have the BumbleO pizza warmed through for their lunch. We wait with baited can never really tell how these things have gone until they either order or-they don’t!
On the way back home, we popped into a cafe & Trish had a cream tea which she said was lush. I did not dare to indulge as I need to fit into something a little less country mouse for our biggo meeting in Londinium tomorrow-MUST Remember to brush hair a little more thoroughly. Actually- just must remember to brush hair. When we arrived at aforementioned grandiose HQ this morning I discovered a little bit of hay in mine-that’s animal- early- morning -routines pre- work for you!
Hopefully Char & I will fare OK tomorrow when we venture into the Big Smoke.I’ll let you know how we get on.
We also picked up our final BumbleO packaging today & it looks fab. Really different form our Honeybuns brand but still very eyecatching & quirky.
We’re taking it with us to the all important presentation.
Animal wise: they are eating us out of house & home!!! I brought the canines back a Cornish pasty to share & they loved every last Cornish morsel. I’d better save the last one for Matt or there might be a slight mutiny.
Horses are eating their heads off in this new cold snap. I’ve got to pop out & do their tea in a mo.
We’re now working on another new gluten free cookie recipe- will not be launched until wee’ve got the BumbleO up and running but it is DELISH. Espresso coffee, toasted hazelunts, dairy free kosher chocolate etc etc. Really nice & gooey too. We’ll be sending trial samples out when we get back from Japan.
Our firend Moira from the award winning & brilliant Dorset Pastry Co. called us from San Fransisco yesterday to let us know our cakes were going down a storm at the Fancy Food show. We’re very much looking forward to following up these American leads as we feel Honeybuns could do well over there. ‘Exciting and a bit scary’ to coin a phrase from Wayne’s World 1.
See you soon, Em x