
Team Honeybuns

Hello there,

I wonder why some days are much smoother & better than others? Today has been such a corker which is in good contrast to some of the (personal) bad news we’ve been having lately.
Char & I went to London for a biggo presentation last Wednesday & we’ve been given a yes on that one. I am so proud of Charlotte who has never done a ‘pitch’ before. She spoke authoritavely about our local sourcing policy & abouth how very clomplex the whole eco-foody -conscience debate is becoming.
Charlotte & I both yip yappety yap non stop about our current feelings toward : organic, local sourcing, low food miles, trust in suppliers etc & conclude that ‘good food’ is highly emotive & subjective.
We just need to carry on doing what we think is ‘good’, as well as being fulfilling & fun.
Our egg supply is a really good example of how complex things are in reality , versus the tabloidesque knee jerk reactions of ‘experts’ on food. When we moved to Dorset we were uber keen to source locally. We had a free range egg producer down the lane & although quite pricey, we went with it. What a naughty & pompous little man he turned out to be! He continually stung us on overcharges. This happened repeatedly & because I was on my own (Matt still was working away & not involved in Honeybuns) I was frazzled & didn’t spot the rip offs.
When the feed prices for the chickens went up he jumped at the opportunity to whack the price up-with no notice. As I said to him at the time, that would be akin to us passing on a rise in our almond prices to our retail customers. We wouldn’t entertain doing it unless it was ongoing & became a last resort-and we’d defo talk it through with our customers. Not just plant it on them.
So, local on the doorstep is not always good.
Happily we now work with Lucy & Mark Doggrell who are brilliant & their eggs are far better in quality- it just took a bit of time to learn from our mistakes.
Another point. Lucy & Mark’s eggs are local, fantastic quality, TRULY FREE RANGE but not organic. Which is more important? To be able to trust your egg supplier absolutely on whether they truly are free range is critical.
There are many plates to spin in terms of sourcing supliers & I think it is very often over simplified.
Rant over.
Animals- they are all very well thank you. Billy & Sam & Joan had their hooves done today. I hid the cheque stub from Matt-..gumpf, how much??
I need to do their tea in a minute. Dogs are cool. They all got massive bones today after being so good at the weekend. Being rescues & from quite shaky backgrounds we often have accidents toilet wise indoors. Fortunately we have flagstone floors so a bit of bleach soon sorts the mess out. We had no accidents this weekend at all- we were very pleased with them. It is mainly Peggers who is the culprit. If she hears loud noises/ unexpected noises she will lose all bowel control. Can hardly blame her with what she has been through.
Also went for a run with Honey the canine metronome. She can now get me to do 4.5 miles without too much effort. I think I’ll lend her out as a coach.
Will speak again on the blogule sometime soon this week,
Em x