
Bee Hop Promo

Well, I feel kind of mega rested after a really indulgent weekend spent catching up with old friends.We lazed by a very shimmering pool down at Fiddlfeford Mill on Saturday- it was so hot that lots of kids were swimming there. Fortunately the water is quite shallow but I couln’t help but keep a nervous eye out for them. We took our friends & Honey, our Ridgeless Ridgey who naturally spent her time sunbathing & posh preening! We had a lovley picnic- with all goodies bought from Alweston Post Office- a most amazing larder of locally sourced delights..we then drove up to Bulbarrow on the way home to enjoy the views over the Blackmore Vale.
Back to reality now- post BumbleO launch party we have lots of work to do in terms of getting the product out to wholesalers & mail order stockists.This is happening this week, with samples & info cards going out. The critical thing, is to then follow up on these samples we send out really quickly. We must be able to get wholesalers onboard as quickly as possible. Our biggest wholesaler is already taking it which helps but we’ve still plenty to do.
It’s quite tricky to pick through the rest of the things on our to do list in any sensible order of priority! We’ve got the website to overhaul, more training for the office team (urgent), preparing for a product photo shoot tomorrow. Writing this blog helps though & I think I can see a way forwards-This weekend will be a working one I think. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed some friend catch up time but I just needs some quiet time to plough on & get overdue jobs done .
Wishing everyone a nice week,
Em x