Bee Hop Festival!!!
Well it’s been another hectic eclectic mix of activities here on Naish Farm. We started off on Monday with me being reminded that I was supposed to have been on a UKTI exporting course on the Friday just gone.Sadly I had to forfeit £100 for my forgetfulness & quite right too. I just clean forgot, despite it being in the diary.I’m defo on course for losing my marbles.The really ironic thing is that this made me realise I had to be in Bath on the following Tuesday.If I hadn’t cocked the Friday up I might never had double checked-In my flaky defence, the Friday in question was exceptionally fraught. Matt & I went to the grant hearing to present our case for our Bee Hop Festival & young persons’ sculpture project- we were going to be called on the Friday night with the verdict but they lost our number. We were convinced we had not won any money for the project & were dejected all weekend-.but on Monday we got a call explaining we had got £950! It might not sound a lot but we can get an awful lot done for that- we’re used to being very thrifty & making a little go an EXTRA- ordinarily long way.We can now get stacks more promo leaflets done & pay for professional local artists to run the sculpture workshop- ideal!!!
Since then we’ve been training our 2 new office team members Jackie & Rosie in the skills of customer care & account managment. Both are very quick on the uptake & it is good to be forced to think about why we do things in certain ways.
Wednesday was chocca full of phone work & today we’ve been chocca full of trade visitors which has been very interesting.
Animal wise- all have been enjoying the weather. Diesey , our German Shepherd gets his beloved hose pipe game every afternoon where he play fights the hose pipe & soaks himself which cools him down. His hips have been playing up a bit today so whilst Matt’s away at the gym tonight, I’ve sneaked Diesy into the office to sit on the fluffy rug & chill out with me as I do my anorakey stuff on da computa!!
Will possibly blog tomorrow or if not, have a fab weekend!
Em x