‘The Big Sing’ Experience
Hello to everyone,
Sorry for my blog slippage, things have been a little more hectic than usual & I’ve missed my blogging opportunities. Last week was a bit of a whirligig of sending lots of samples out to various sales leads we have. We’re on a bit of a mission at the moment to give the business a little bit of an ‘Oooohmpah bah lift’ so we’re pouring a lot of energy into communicating with possible customers & approaching new countries with our wares.
We’ve been building up our small but perfectly formed sales team & we’re getting into a rythmn of daily tasks-it’s really satisfying to hear all of us on the phones helping out people who want to get hold of our products-‘hello, Honeybuns here’!We’ve never really had a sales team before & it it is defintely adding a certain chutzpah to what we do.
We’ve also been very lucky with some pending press coverage too including articles in Daily Candy,Aga Magazine & Dorset Magazine. Such publicity helps us beyond measure & means we’ll hopefully be able to start to progress our plans for the new eco bakery soon!
To unwind I went with friends to a ‘Big Sing’ last Saturday. I LOVE music but sadly have always had a phobia of public singing & dancing. I’ve been told I could do neither- & they were possibly correct back in the mists of my childhood but my goodness- I loved it!!! Anyone can go- regardless of ability or perceived ability. Just go to- www.naturalvoice.net for more info.I so enjoyed it & was able to switch off completely from work which I think is a wholly good thing sometimes. Sunday was pottering fantabulous- just did some housework, played with the dogs, scratched numerous horses’ necks & just generally did nothing much at all.
This week has already been quite full on- went to Luton for a meeting yesterday & have been working quite hard on sales, publicity & team trainnig in little sections today. More of the same tomorrow & then I’ll be off visiting various family members in Oxford & Newcastle on Thursday- Sunday. I’m defo looking forward to the break & I’ll enjoy listening to the radio whilst tootling along the motorway up North.
Wishing you a great rest of the week,
Em x