
Post Glastonbury Blues

sorry again for this sporadic blogging. Things are a little bit busier than ususal at the moment and I’m struggling to fit everything in.
Glastonbury was awesome.We saw Shirley Bassey, our Trish was thrilled-Dame Shirley looked & sounded AMAZING.She had a slinky red sequinned dress on & no way looked 70.Her voice made the hairs on the back of your neck jump up- electryfing & a HUGE crowd too.
The Manic Street Preachers were my joint favourite along with The Saw Doctors in the Avalon Field-really good stomping fun.The Preachers were musically spot on & their tribute to their long missing band member was especially moving.
Our little Glasto- H’Buns cafe was full to bursting & we saw all our regulars again despite the 2 year wait.I think our customers just love to snuggle down in some of the only cushions & proper chairs on site!
We sold out of chocolate brownies on the Saturday which took our breath away a bit.Still, we had lots of other things to offer & our creamy Fairtrade hot chocs went down a storm.
My deliberate mention of our meeting with Sainsburys on this blog has had the very amusing (& utterly predictable) effect of getting our bitchier local food producers’ tongues wagging-. I couldn’t possibly comment on who they were-.not in this blog anyway! We love to wind them up & it is oddly flattering that they read this-
Tee hee-all very good fun.
Onto more important issues-our beautiful animals are in fine fettle & are loving the cooler weather. With the rain comes juicier grass, so they are all out there looking plumptious & perky.Joan, our veteran donkey is looking so fit for her astonishing age of 39. She has got very furry legs not dissimilar to Nora Batty stockings & very cutesy.
We’re getting ready for the fabulous Bee Hop Festival on Saturday, 21st July. The bands are all set & we start popping the tents up this coming weekend.
I’ve been ordering all the Bee Hop fun stuff like Honeybuns coloured balloons, streamers & sequinned giant butterflies in blue, pink & cream- in readiness for turning Naish Farm into Festival Utopia.
Before the Bee Hop, Matt & I are going as punters to Guilfest which is always good fun. We’re looking forward to Madness & the Magic Numbers & a little bit more camping with our friends before the summer runs sneakily out on us.
Hope everyone is fine-.including our local friendly food producers ( most are lovely- I’m just tinkin of how to set tongues a wagging in 2-3 establishments which are tres competetive-
Take care & have a lovely week,
Em xx