Ted’s Blog
This blogule is dedicated to one of my brothers , Ted.It’s lovely that you’ve requested another entry!?
Just to say hello & do not fret-everything will be fine! Also Ted- got some interesting developments I need to call you about- so will speak this evening if OK with you dude?
We’ve been pedalling away on getting ready for the Bee hop.
Pink balloons- check.Pink streamers-check.Doggy creche toys & baskets – check.
The bands are all raring to go & we’ve got some extra specially nice stall holders this year so if you are able to make it to this year’s Bee hop on Saturday 21st July, please do prepare for a fierce spot of high end- artisan retail therapy!
We’ve been round to our neighbours this afternoon and 80 % were delightful bar one quite frosty couple & one very FROSTY couple who declared that ‘They hoped it rained all day’-super.It’s upsetting when you cannot get all the neighbours on side for a once a year, one day festival with proceeds going to charity- but hopefully they might pop up for a little looksee?They might even have a little bit of fun-.Good Lordy.
Everything else here at Honeybuns seems to be going OK. The bakery & packing teams are a bit flat out as we have been extraordinarily busy with orders- hopefully things will start to calm down a little bit-when we take new customers on it always takes a little time to get into their regular order pattern.Once we figure out what their expectations & needs are, things fall into place.
Animals are all getting just a little bit teed off with the weather- Joaney, our veteran donkey snuggles deep down into her bed of wood shavings as if to say ‘I AM NOT going out there!’. Donkeys & goats alike really do not like the rain. Horses & ponies are OK in the wet as long as their feet are not continually sodden. The wind & the rain is the combination they really cannot bear.
I’ve had a fantastic day today, went to see a PR company who have been working very hard on our behalf plus the uber talented Sara who is currently working on the final draft of our Bee Hop Festival programme plus a subtle re working of our packaging.
We’re really pleased with all the work Sara has done to date- it is a pleasure doing business with her.
That’s probably about it for now.
We’ve got a jam packaroonied week or 2 ahead & then it is Bee Hop time!