
Indian Summer

What a gorgeous day it is this morning!It really is the perfect late summer’s morning- bright clear blue skies. We had a little bit too much of a good night last night with our friends- a lovely mix of artist/musician & foodie friends and four lovely dogs- are own three delightful canines plus a doggy guest, the very gentle collie cross, Tess who enjoyed her ‘sleepover’
I just got a bit carried away with the Aussie Shiraz- so no change there- I’m feeling a tad fragile this morning.Our guests are still sleeping & I’m just trying to catch up on a few odds & ends out in the office (which is a converted pig sty-truly!).
Last week was another challenging one at Honeybuns.I’m a bit concerned at just how stressed Matt & I get during any given working week-it can’t be good for us. We had a very unpleasant incident with a temporary member of staff too which left a wholly unpleasant taste. He accused us of ‘stamping on our staff’ which really upset us. Our team are everything to us & the irony is that this individual was. -well I’d better rein back from saying what I really think & let the anger go.I certainly do not want his bitterness to rub off on any of us. I can see why so many small business owners end up having horrendous breakdowns. We have 2 fellow business friends who have openly discussed their near brushes with suicide arising from staff related issues.I was watching Jimmy’s Farm the other day & I thought he came out with quite a telling remark about the stresses & strains of trying to do good for your staff- ‘People rarely worry about if the boss suffers stress or gets a holiday- no wonder people running their own businesses are so bloody miserable’
Oh well, it’s water under the bridge & I just thank our stars that our loyal team are- bar the bad apple, such a wonderful set of people.
On a nicer note, the photo shoot we had on Wednesday was brilliant. it was fantastic being able to watch people who are at the top of their game- doing a job they love. The photographer, Craig, was awesome & even got me to smile in front of the camera in not too much of a cheesy way.
We have a very short notice food safety audit this Tuesday too which we’re going to be busy preparing for- the paperwork is pretty much up and together thanks to eagle eyed Gay who double & triple checks all forms to see we’re doing things as we should.
Hopefully all will go smoothly and next week will be better than the disappointing one we’ve just had.