New Product development
Well, it’s been a goer of a week so far & we only got back from enchanted Cornwall yesterday afternoon.You know when you just feel borne along by all the positive, enthusiasm around you? Well, I’m privledged to feel like that at the moment (it would be just greedy of me to think or hope this will last).
Our team in the office are all on top form & have responded to our worries over this slower couple of weeks sales wise by pulling some very innovative ideas out of the collective cupboard.Trish has been chatting up- sorry, calling up wholesalers to find out if things are OK- or if the slow down is a little unusual for them too.
Jackie has been rattling through courtesy calls to our more regular customers & keeping her delicate shell likes open to see if there is anything amiss.
We have just had our first order in from Greece which is hugely exciting & fingers crossed I’ll be able to pop over there later on this month. ‘pop over’ is double speak for ‘ I’m terrified of flying & dreading it but needs must’
Tomorrow I’m doing some New product Devpt for our savoury range. Smoky, roasted aubergine with onion (caramilised) & goats cheese & pinch of cumin atop our wonderful farinata base- all gluten free & just yummyliciously good-..well fingers crossed it will be. I let you know at the end of the week & perhaps include the recipe. All the H’Buns magic recipes will eventually be in the public domain-once I finally get down to business of writing the pesky book!
Note to self ‘less time blogging, cuddling our donkey Joaney & getting sidetracked by World of Interiors Magazine’
More time- being grown up & focusing on the growth of the business & all that razzamatazz.
Ciao for now,
Much love, Em xx