
What’s for tea?

Well, I’m feeling a little bit sorry for myself this evening.I’ve got a really horrible cold, which has affected quite a lot of team Honeybuns over the past fortnight. Yesterday was a bit grim- Matt & I, plus beloved pals were due to run the Great South Run. My head felt like I’d been ten rounds with Mike Tyson on Sunday morning owing to this pesky mother of all head colds. Still, it wasn’t pretty but it was job done,I dribbled & sneezed & shuffled to the finish line (I hope the race photos don’t come out).Lemsip never tasted soooo good! I’m so very thankful to everybody who sponsored us- all monies to Myeloma UK- a very rare cancer of the blood. Our very close friend’s dad is currently poorly with Myeloma & as a group of 5 we hit our target of £1500 which is wonderful- Thank you to all our friends for supporting us & this richly deserving cause.
Tonight for tea I cooked up the odds & sods from the fridge- some brocoli & some rather vintage cheddar from which I cobbled together a garlic infused gratin. Matt (non veggie man) polished off some sausages we had left over from our Honeybuns team Hallowee party on Friday. So tea tonight was a bit of an Old Mrs Hubbard’s cupboards are bare scenario. Hopefully it’ll be a bit more exciting tomorrow-.perhaps I’ll knock out a uber luxe fish pie with king prawns, egg, spinach, mushrooms & a fluffy mash topping-.mmmmmm-
Workwise w’re under a it of pressure at the mo. Lots of growing pains & issues to address- bringing the team with us v. losing those who don’t like the changes we’re inevitably going to have to introduce.
Anyway- it promises to be a chocabloc week- tomorrow I’m off to Londonium again to see potentially a v. lg (highly improbable) customer. It’ll be an interesting trip- I’m keen to have another look at one of the big food halls- either J. Lewis Oxford Street or Selfridges-
It’s always good practice to get to see what’s going on in the smoke.
Hope you have a lovely week.
Love Em xxx