
Autumnal Beauty

I’m sorry, my last blog got lost in cyber space somewhere- my new laptop (well, my first ever laptop) has been an utter revelation but it’s also a teensy bit flakey-ie losing blogs etc.
It has meant though, that I can get lot of work done on the train & once I’ve clocked off from the office I can still do work in front of the telly-I know it’s a bit anorakey but it has given me a lot more freedom. Matt, as ever, in search of a bargain , sought this particular model out- it makes me chuckle as I lift it out of the car-it weighs a ton! Methinks Matt bought a bit of a ‘bargain’.That’s why he’l be finance director then-
Last week was busy busy busy. We’ve had a meeting with Dorset Wildlife Trust who I think we can work with on joint bird conservation projects here at Naish Farm. We are happy to let the junior ‘watch’ grp of the Dorset Wildlife Trust use the Bee Shack Cafe as their meeting point. They will be able to help & advise us about bird nest box sites & nature cameras.
Cake wise, we’ve been working on the branding for our ‘MINIs’ new range of half sized cakes- Sara- awesome graphics ladeee, has come up trumps again. We were inspired by a 1930s cake tin I bought a few years ago- it features indented lettering with a drop shadow effect which Sara has transplanted onto the new cakeboards.
There’s still some work to be done, but we’ve got the right feel- nostalgic but funksome at the same time.We’ve also had a provisional cake order for Vietnam of all places- there is still some detail to be sorted & hopefully we’ll secure the business, fingers crossed.
Personally- I’ve finally found out what my persistent cold/fluey symptoms were all about- glandular fever. I still feel wiped out- then some days I feel fine- it’s most weird. Anyway, at least I know what it is & I can try & focus on getting better.I think road running on top of it all was not my most considered decision- never mind- plenty of time to rest now & ge better.Huge thaks to matt for looking after me.
Very sadly today I sold our horse Billy to a lovely lady alled Cherry. It was a very sad decision but as our other horse Sammy (28) & Joaney, our donkey (39) ger older my time is increasingly spent looking after them.
I had my last ride on him last weekend & my pal, Sylvia, rode him today- he loaded into the horse box really well.I’m sad to say goodbye after 5 very happy years owning him, but he’s going to a lovely home & I’ll now have more precious time to look after our older ones.
Foody wise- it’s been roast dinners all the way this week. Plates piled high with nutritious veggies & olive oil & rosemary roast potatos- served with roast salmon, roasted veggie gravy & lots of cracked black pepper.Lush & just the nutritious food to shake off this orrible bug with.
Tomorrow I have a meeting wih Waitrose- we’d like very much to be in more stores & more categories or dpartments- I’ll let you know how it goes.
Lots oflove,
Em xx