Food Safety
I hope everyone has had a lovley uberlicious weekend. Everything has passed in such a whirl recently.Saturday was brilliant fun- Matt and I were on operation shed clearing which involved moving stuff around & lighting the mother of all bonfires.It so reminded me of being a kid & playing with a sandwich making gadget in the embers- we were always in such a hurry to eat our culinay experiments that they were usually demolished only half cooked-..hmmmmm I somehow managed to sort the quality assurance systems out before Honeybuns moved from day dream territory to a reality!
So we now have one very tidy shed/barn.We have moved the Honeybuns wheeli bins in here so they are now resting on a concrete plinth rather than gravel- much easier to keep clean.
I was really knocked out tired after the bonfire & because the dreaded Glandular fever has not gone yet, I had to go to bed at 6pm-scarily I slept right through til 9am, (save for a mini dancing tutorial from Matt) .I was gutted because we were due to go to Karen V’s wedding party.Matt went & had a lovley time dancing away. He came back & briefly woke me up to show me his fancy new moves.
Karen used to live at Naish Farm & Matt met one of her uncles who is keen to visit to see what we’ve done since moving in. It has been an utter labour of love & we enjoy showing people all our DIY limeplaster- possibly boring the pants off them-..but we plough on regardless.
Sunday was spent grooming the equines, popping ointment onto Joaneys hind legs & sorting them out with an extra deep bed of shavings-now the temp has dropped they really appreciate a it of luxe.
We have a fairly intense food safety audit tomorrow which we have put an awful lot of work into- I just sooo hop it’ll be OK. The entire exercise has been challenging. Although we do all of the necessary checks & operate very conscientiously, we were not so hot on organising our paperwork in a systematic way- we are utter neat freaks now- all forms carry their own reference nos & it is very much up & together. I’ll let you know how we get on.
We are looking forwards too to our launch of our rand new MINIs- half sized cakes for the food service market. We’re tinkin trains, planes & other whizzy modes of transport where peeps would love a little bit of cake-
Speak soon,
Em xx