
Bath Half Marathon

Hi everyone,
Matt & I are just back from Guildford where we saw in the New Year at The Boiler Room in Guildford with frinds. We had a good old boogey to a trancey band- it felt more like a festival than a club- ‘Woobly Squadron’ is there name & they were fantastic! After they headlined there was drum & bass & I can’t remember/identify the rest.
We’ve started to yearn for the summer & the festival season again.Fingers crossed we get our trading pitch at Glastonbury again for 2008.
New Year’s day ws a little bit all over the shop. Heads were hurting so we went up to St Martha’s Hill to blast the cob webs away. We must have looked a bit of rag tag bobtail assortment of Hobbitsas we wended our way up the hill.We had earnt our fun hough by going on respectable 10 mile trot around Stoke Park- 4 times before the NYE sesh.
Getting back to work has been easier than I’d thought. After such an densely fun filled weekend, I was a bit woried about the anticlimax of the working week- but it was good to get back into a routine & tick things off the to do list. At the moment I’m preparing for meetings next week which I need to get my facts straight for. We have the opportunityto start supplying onto the Isle of Man- dependent on the outcome of the meeting.
I’m also going to working on trying to get sales up, up and away in the Sainsburys stores we’re listed in. This will involve offering all the stores tasting samples & any other after sales support they might need. It would be very exciting for us if things worked out for us with them. By getting a controlled uplift in volume, we can then start to implement some of our plans to improve Honeybuns & to extend our environmental projects.
On to food- tonight I think we’ll be going ‘lite’ to counteract recent bingettas. Maybe noodle stirfried with chili & some left over bits of smoked salmon-