Scouser Delights
We’ve had quite a full on week so far. I’ve been out & about to London & Liverpool on Mon & Tuesday. Liverpool was a revelation. My TOM TOM went a bit haywire & I had to ask a lady for directions. She immediately volunteered to pop in her car & show me in person where to go-so I followed her- how kind was that??
Naturally, I gave her lots of cake that I had in the truck as a thank you & she was chuffed to bits.
The meeting, once I got there, went very well.So much of the business we get or don’t get seems to hinge on personalities and whether buyers simply like what we’re doing & feel they can trust us as people.
It’s not always meant to be- but this week has been chokka blokka with meeting exceptionally lovely buyers who really love what we’re doing at Honeybuns-this is a relief because January through to March can be a little bit nail biting in terms of slower sales. This year has not nose dived a much as normal though. We’ve been working on new contracts to start now & we’re also working on gettin our mail order website ready for next Christmas- this keeps us occupied in the quieter months.
Aside from bakery stuff- the nimals are all well. Honey has been enjoying her arctic spec sleeping bag she got for Chistmas. She hasn’t left the sofa reall & she is well warm & toasty.
Best go now,
speak son,
Em xx