
Family Values

Sorry for the ‘bloglag’ recently. There’s been quite a lot of activity both Honeybuns & friend/family wise of late.
On the Honeybuns side of things- we’re simultaneously attempting to help our trial with Sainsburys & also getting our brand new MINI’s range launched. It’s all exciting but quite knackering as well.S’burys is going OK- sales are still quite low but they’re growing. This surpris,es me as it wouldn’t be rocket science to deduce that the launch of a premium cake in Jan might not have been the greatest choice of calendar month-.New Year’s reso.s &all that.Sill, we were very fortunate to get listed & it’s up to us t try & make it work-
I’ve been visiting Sainsburys stores this last fortnight & I’m off to Rugby, Leamington Spa, Cheltenham & Brighton this week-hopefully with a little bit of a crafty shoe shop tailored into the schedule (if I’m lucky).
The Minis-we had a fab time yesterday doing all the promo photos of them. Sara, our achingly hip & talented design ladeeee brought in her MAC Book as a prop- the Minis were then artfully arranged in ‘you can buy these bad boys for your conference suite’ pose.With aforementioned MAC book in the back grd looking all moody & conference-y.
Social stuff- We’ve been lucky enough to have seen my pals more than usual. I’ve been running with jo & out riding with Katrina-both from Holwell. Matt & I then went up to see my dad in GRimsby & Ted,my little bruv met us there. WE had such a lovely time. TRying to teach Matt (who spks close to R.P. English) the Meggies dialect- for those of you from Cleethorpes you’ll appreciate the humour in this scenario.
WE did all the things one is obliged to do in GY- eat curry, eat fish & chips, go beach combing, chill in front of open fire (coal gathered from the beach).
I also managed to go riding on the beach-.bliss.
Cleethorpes Equestrian Centre is an absolute diamond of an outfit. How they still keep going in the face of crippling insurance premiums I do not know. If you’d like a blast down the beach on a beautifully cared for cob for £14 an hour, pls google them & ask for Babs & say Emma from down south recommended her!
Be honest about yor riding ability though-..or you could end up a bit ashen’s very wild west and the cobs can be strong.
We’re seeing lots more of friends & family over the nxt few weeks inclding a trip to the lakes, running & camping at the BAth Half Marathon & taking our gorgeous niece, Jenny, to see The Lion King-.can’t wait.
Feeling like the blues have been blasted away. New Yr’s reso- Spend NO time with those who make you feel horrible & max time with those you love (& vice versa)

Much LOve to everyone nice, Em xxx