Exhibition Preparations
I hope everyone one had a lovely Easter time. How glorious to have four days of holiday-a rare treat indeed.
Our bakery team had a very well earnt extended break & came back looking very refreshed and relaxed upon their return.
Matt & I did quite a lot of pottering- doing gardening & DIY ‘lite’ ; then meeting up with pals for food and vino in the evenings.We did venture to Londoninium to see ‘Speed the Plow’ at the Old Vic- brillianly acted, mesmerisng, but we thought there as not much of a plot-we probably missed the entire point though~!We loved the exprience and Kevin Spacey & jeff Goldblum were awesome.
I managed to catch up on outstanding bits of work -no phone to distract me.It’s fair to say though that I could happily distract myself by daydreaming & birdwatching. I can’t blame everything on the telephone!
We’e getting ready now for a big exhibition up in Birmingham called Food & drink Expo. Trish & I will be promoting our brand new MINIs- then after each ofthe 4 days exhibiting we’ll be hitting the gym-then the bar- we strive for a balance in everything we do!!
If you’re going to the NEC Expo pls do ome & say hello. We’re in hall 6 block M190.
Bye for now,
Em xx