
Hip Diary

Thankyou so much to everyone who has been asking after Olliepops- our soft as butter German Shepherd.In particular to Jo ‘extremely thoughtful’ Edmondson who dropped off a little Good Luck card for him this morning.
We’ve just got him back from the vets after his first of 2 hip operations. He is currently whacked out on his duvet & stretched out upon the futon beside me as I type.
For anyone who sadly has a dog with dysplaxia it might be of interest that we’re taking photos at each stage.We would sooooo have benfited from a pictoral resource on the internet to have referred to.Hopefully Ollie’s recovery will go to plan & we can then post the process on line in due course for anyone who might need it.
At the moment he looks like Aslan after his skirmish on the Stone Table in the Lion the witch & the Wardrobe- poor chap.Never mind -his glorious locks will soon grow back.
Worky wise everything is very exciting.I attended a John Lewis supplier forum yesterday.It involved catching the train up to London & sending a whole bunch of items including table cloth, goody bags , tongs & plates etc up the day before by courier.I was relieved to find all the boxes had arrived in time. The invited suppliers then set up their stands & the numerous John Lewis managers came & chatted & tried the various products. I really enjoyed it & learnt lots from individual store managers.They are so into what they do & genuinely interested in listening to you explain how we make things ,what we feel about the environmental issues pertaining to food manufacture etc.
The snag was at the end of the day I dumbly realised I had an awful lot of stuff to carry home- everything that had been couriered needed a ‘lift’ back to Dorsety via the tube. This was quite a challenge (yesterday was exceedingly sticky in the smoke) so I’m just glad I was liberal with my ‘Extra Sure’ anti perspirant application during that morning’s ablutions-.things could have been a bit messy-
Charlotte, our gorgeous bakery manager & green crusader, is getting married in September & the excitment is beginning to build in our office-
We can’t wait to see the dress. The first fitting was yesterday & it sounds very Va Va Vroom!Charlotte , Sara & I are venturing out to Street, a shopping mecca near Glastonbury this Saturday to talk weddings, drink lattes & indulge in all things girly & decadent-can’t wait.
Today,after dropping Ollie off for his veterniary equivalent of 10 rounds with Mike Tyson, I visited Frome , Somerset. Catherine’s Hill is chocablocca with vintage goodies from divine fabrics to genuine 1950s buttons & corsages. I loved Millie Moon & bought lots of handmade fabric corsages in Honeybuns’s colours ready for us to wear at the BBC Good Food Show later on this year (any excuse for a spot of retail therapy!).I’d highly recommend Frome for a good, hardcore vintage rummage. There are loads of lush coffee shops too- with NO big chains there- tres refreshing-
I’ll keep you posted on Ollie’s progress. I interuppted this blog to take him out for a wee & he is hopping nicely & gingerly testing his poorly side out which is a good sign.
Wishing everyone a fabulous fun filled weekend,
Em xxxxxxxx