Computer Glitches
I’m in a grump this morning. My computer is soooo slow & driving me bonkers. The particular problem seems to be writing e-mails- so I thought I’d take a tactical blogule break instead.
Work wise we’re full tilt at Honeybuns HQ this week. Matt is racing on with getting the finishing touches done for our new website. The shop area is particularly groovy. Our friend & fellow Honeybunner, Barry, has drawn beautiful ‘virtual’ shop shelves etc for us to pop all our cyber cakes on. Launch date for this brand spanking new online emporium is September-erm-late September.We’re kkeping all digits crossed that our tins arrive in time too. They’re due in on 19th September.
To gear up for this new foray into mail order we’ve radically spruced up our humble office. We now have pretty branded Honeybuns tablecloths, a beautiful cream painted wardrobe- modified to store all the mail order bags, tins etc- it all looks very homely & welcoming. Once we’re settled down & are packaging orders etc we’ll get some ‘action shot’ photos done of us all & pop them on the website.
You can then see what we get up to & just how many buckets of tea we get through each day-
Other tasks to get done this week include: another Bee newsletter- (I’ve left this a bit late & need to get scribbling this afternoon), sorting out all the new edits for next round of cakeboards & then finally shoehorning some sales work into the week.
Hopefully my grumpy mood will lift & I’ll get cracking-
Wishing you a great weekend- hopefully not too soggy.
Our commiserations go to the organisers of the wonderful Sturminster Cheese Festival – cancelled for the first time in 10 years this weekend.Rock on next year!
Em x