
Sun Drenched Dorset

At last Summer has arrived!
It’s just a shame that swallows have already gone-
The weekend was lovely. It was sad that Sturminster Cheese Festival was cancelled but it did mean that Matt & I could steal a weekend from the ravenous jaws of Honeybuns & get some time to do none worky things.
I covered myself in lime plaster & limewash whilst ‘decorating’ the upstairs of the cottage- it was very therapeutic until the lime started to sting-the walls look lush though. Very ‘Toast’ interiors catalogue-ish if you know what I mean. Lime wash is a bit of a bugger to apply but absoloutely stunning when the light hits it , especially on good, proper humpety bumpety walls of a certain vintage.
Matt was busy recording a demo CD with his band on Sunday. All very rock & roll. I don’t think Holwell Village Hall have hosted any recording sessions before.Will they be prepared to again..?
Last night was pretty special- We went to Lulworth Cove with our neighbour Audrey & Ollie our German Shepherd. Ollie is still recovering from his hip op & he swam like a sea otter. He drew quite a crowd & loved all the attention.It’s such a bonus that he loves the water as much as he does. It would take the fun out of the ‘aquaphysio’ if I had to haul him in -I’d also get reported to some animal cruelty body to boot.
This week is full on with mail order prep.I’m also catching up on some all important sales & customer account Mgt work.
Our Charlotte, bakery manager, is getting MARRIED on Sat so the atmosphere is very excitable. I’m possibly the worst culprit though.
Charlotte & I are going out this evening for a girly treat. She does’nt know what so I’d better stop there.
Wishing everyone a fab week,
Em xxx