Honeybuns online
I’m feeling a little bit out of sorts today. I had to cancel a trip to London to visit Lunch! a new trade show.Not like me, but I’m fighting a bit of a nasty virus & have been feeling quite dizzy. I’d hazard a guess that my running training for the pending Great South Run in October has not aided the healing process-.I must put my trainers down & listen to my body a bit more methinks.
Worky wise at Honeybuns, we’re very pleased with our brand new mail order tins, we also now have our gorgeous hessian bags for life too- these will both be available on line very shortly.We’ve also got plans to start selling our groovesome Ts, hoodies & aprons in the online shop.Each time we do a show, customers want to know where to get them. I’ve managed to give away all our current hoodies & Ts-so we need to pop another order in quite soon. All our Honeybuns kit is beautifully embroidered locally. We even have H’Buns tablecloths & cushion covers in our Bee Shack Cafe.
Our friends & family keep putting their tin orders in so I hope we’ll have enough official stock left. We were hoping to be live this week but there have been a few more techy things to finalise.It’s a bit like waiting for Father Christmas. We’re all soooo excited. our office is undergoing abit of a makeover too. Everything is colour coded in our beautiful retro pastel pallette & we will finally have pics of us all on the website.
We are also going to be on Facebook – not quite sure how to design our page but my bruv, Ted, is down this weekend so he can give us a hand.The other groovesome feature of www.honeybuns.newstylie.co.uk is the new instant messaging service. You’ll be able to chat to me, Jackie or Trish about your orders,the donkeys & our favorite cakes!
Sometmes my head feels it’s spnning with all this new stuffette but when I draw breath & get a chance to reflect on how far we’ve come & how tiny we still our- I’m very proud. Thankyou team Honeybuns-you’re inspirational!
Em x