Leon Book Launch Party
My goodness me I’ve got sore feet today. Danced like a loon (again!!!) to AC-DC at the Leon Book lauch party last night.
Lucy- you were a supa star. I think I may have been a bit of a liability so thanks to you for looking out for me- fun though wasn’t it??? The Leon book is lush too, written by the uber talented & incredbly down to earth Allegra Mc.Our de-lushious brownie recipe appears in there & I’m going to pop a copy in the post to dad-our gorgeous, late mum is in it too & he’ll be very happy indeed, if a little tearful.
Matt & I had a MIGHTY BOOSH like adventure & took Betsy the Bongo camper van into London- we stayed over night at the Crystal Palace campsite-it was a proper adventure & naturally we missed the last train back to base camp-equally predicable was our craving for crap food at 1am. Kind of ironic having attended the party at Leon- Observer restaurant of the year.I knew we should have put the cocktails down & had some tapas- hindsight is a wonderful thing.
In the morning we had a slight Bongo roof malfunction by way of not being able to get the fecking thing down.Time was an issue- having lots of meetings arranged At Waitrose in Bracknell starting at 10am.We called the RAC suspecting a blown fuse-when it worked.Great. We then hit the M25 & came to a standstill. Quite stressy for me driving.Not so stressy for Matt still tucked up asleep in the back of the van-charmed scamp.
Anyroad- had lovely meetings & brainstormed with sleepy head Matticus once he ‘got up’ at lunchtime. Ideas we came up with- Rating our competitors cakes on our website- blind tasting them on our Bee Shack audience alongside our own. I think this would be awesome- would keep us on our toes & provide great rference for customer/interested cakey people. Just need to research legality of naming names.
We could pop Handmade Cake Company on there as well as Honey- (I’m not at all bitter they nicked half our name)Rose & the brilliant Fudges & Popina- I’ll keep you posted.THe latter 2 we can highly recommend. The blind tasting would speak louder than our say so though.
Instant messaging is the next plan for the new HoneyBUNS website- can’t wait.I’m really keen to do ome podcasts of our BeeShack days too. Need to recover from my Bob Fossil dancing impersonations first & then get me thinking cap on.
Wishing you all a glorious weekend