
Coeliac UK

Well-finally my imaginary website is up and running. We’re soon to be adding our village notice boad, Instant messaging, extended shoppe & other nice & lovely things-It all takes time, but we shoud be there in the next month.
Thanks so very much to all our facebook fans-please do bear with me whilst I get to gripz with it.I’ve replied to quite a few of you but I’m a bit slow-just like me texting too. Painful to watch.
Yesterday, Trish & I went to our first Coeliac UK Volunteers Conference in Londonium. It was great to meet people who we’ve been exchanging e-mails & tel calls with for years.We gave out all our samples & again, people love our tins. We’re having the first lmited edition print done in a couple of months. If I said donkeys-you’d have an idea of what to expect.The Coeliac tingey was well worth doing & I bizarrely met 2 people from home town of Grimsby.V. weird.
Last night we had a gorj. supper at Trish n’ Dave’s – fish pie with pollock, prawns & smoked cod with lots of Gibbsy Veggies folowed by baked apples, magnificently thick clotted cream & icecream-Lush-Dush.
All good fuel for da Grizzly training pogramme.Got a good run in today with Jo- we took most of our dogs too & must have looked like a right rag taggle team.Just recently realised my jogger bottoms have had an indecently large hole exposing my knickers for all to see. Fortuntely it’s mostly sheep & pheasants on my regular route. Apologies to anyone who has had the misfortune-I’ve now got a new pair.
Looking forward to geting this ednesday over with- giving a talk on business- hardly feel qualified as I’m realising we’re one of the few set up that actually adore what we do.I think we must be a bit of an oddity- not uber caring amassing lots of dosh. Nowt so queer as folk I guess!
Lots of love & fun to all,
Em xx PS- I’m really sorry to everyone who has asked for advice/meetings etc.I do politey decline for 2 reasons:
1. Business wise we’re weirdos & cannot advice you on how to get rich (it’s not chosen our journey).
2. Once Honeybuns is done the rest of the days is for hobbies, feckless fu & the animals.
I can always point you in the direction of go getting Aston Martin driving company directors who’ll be uber qualified to advise-.xx