Gluten Free Recipes
hope everyone has had a good week.I was enjoying myself until Friday. I was supposed to be going to Suffolk to meet a wholesaler but we were extra ordinarily busy & it seemed insane to take an entire day out & leave the teeeeam all alone.
This should have meant I made the best use of my precous extra time-but alas- I was fretful on Friday & felt all agitated. Not at all sure why. I think it might be a simple case of ‘mental SIM card overload’.It was a full on week with lots of travelling & meetings-I’m highly strung at the best of times but this was a BADLY jittery day.
Havng had a bit of a food -bingey- wingey past- these are danger days. Sadly- we’d received a omplimentary box of biccies into the office-yup- I scoffed well more than my fair share of them.Funny how I don’t get tempted by all the HBuns stuff despite it tasting ubberly gorgeous. I think I’ve trained my brain to resist everday temptation, but blimey- when I discovere the old Mc mass produced biccie box I went kerrrazzzeeee-
I went for a lovely run today with the dogs & my mate Jo.Jo is not at all nervy & mental like moi but she said she also felt fidgety yesterday. Must have been sth in the air.Or maybe moon thingey meiggies.Anyway, today has been lush- runnig always helps. Getting ready for da big bad Grizzly in March too. Eeeek-
Going to a parteee tonight.
Then need to gear up for week ahead. Going to the BBC Good Food Show next Friday which I’m really looking forwards to.
We’ll be popping some Gluten Free recipes onto our website.
Hope ou all hav a fab week,
take care,
Em xxx