
Gorgeous Gluten Free Cakes

Crumbs, it has been a mega rushy count down to Christmas this year. Most of it has been a lot of fun, namely wrapping up all our tins for mail order & handwriting the gift tags to accompany them.My handwriting scrawl didn’t past muster.We’ve also been devising a new range of cookies- a range of three which we’ll be launching in the Spring. They are gluten free & free of added sugar. They are decidedly grown up & sophisticated little numbers-.we’ll reveal all when we’re ready to launch.Aside from the flavour combinations, we just adore designing the packaging.These are going to be adorable & will also be linking to a much loved national charity campaign for 2009.We’re not sure which product yet- but we’ll be donating proceeds of sales to a charity very close to our hearts.
Last weekend we had a gorgeous meal at the Three Elms just down the road & a little party back at the Bee shack.Giant Jenga seemed the game of choice although I’m not sure Ted’s Jenga variant of popping a stool onto the tower & sitting on it would have passed H&S regs.Oooohps-.all good fun.

I’m now going to write our final year’s Team Newsletter. This is an internal Honeybuns version of our Bee newsletter.We all write sections for the team one & review the highs & lows of each quarter.It’s satisfying to sometimes take stock on all that we’ve done & figure out on how we can keep improving.We are having one final team get together this Friday before ‘term ends’. We will have lots of lush food & the Honeybuns Awards ceremony.We have the Kindest silver cup for the kindest team member as well as most improved & best stick thrower (breaks are often soaked up throwing sticks for Ben the Collie Dog).On the animal side- the dogs are bouncing fit after lots of muddy runs through the glorious Dorset countryside.Our new mare, Molly, is settling nicely in & chomping on her hay as we speak.We all wathch her on the Joaney cam-whilst waiting for inspiration.We have exciting new green plans to implement in the New Year-we just hope the order keep coming in so we can crack on with them.
Ref orders-the signs are good, we just need one or two new contracts to be confirmed for Jan & we’ll be off again, hurtling into another year of cakebaking and other lovely things.
Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend,
Em xx