
THe Grizzly

Hallo Everyone,

I’d like to share our last weekend with you. Our philosophy has always been to enjoy food to the max and avoid diets like the plague. We eat a little or a lot of anything we fancy including Denhay Farm Cheddar, Barbers butter (salted naturally), Jersey cream- in my coffee- yum plus the odd cake or three. Happily we love veggies, fruit, seeds & nuts too. At Honeybuns we eat together in our dear little BeeShack Cafe/team canteen three times a week plus an extra special team lunch once a month.We adore our food.

This is offest by a number of physical activties- the main sport we all get coralled into is throwing sticks for Ben aka ‘Benners and his sticky’.A close second is throwing sticks for Ollie aka the soppiest German Shepherd in the village.Other daily exercises include gathering all the office coffee mugs for a mega washing up sesh, filling haynets for the non stop munching bunch-donks, ponies & the big equines plus the infinite refilling of seemingly hundreds of Honeybuns bird feeders. It’s all go.

Matt & I have always been into running as a way of then being able to enjoy our aforementioned West Country delicacies. Last weekend we were bonkers enough to have entered he Grizzly race- an off road-through bogs & up & down dale 20 miler in Seaton, Devon. (un) Fortunately I managed to injure my achilles during training & therefore could not run but Matt managed the full distace in 3hrs 45 min.Well done Mattster.He then happily declared that he could eat with impunity for the rest of the weekend-result!

Well done to all runners of this fabulous race & to Romy & Ella who helped us on the Honeybuns stall giving out flapjacks to all finishers.

We’re looking forward to next year.I think me & my pal Clare are going to go for the 9 miler ‘Cub’ race & Matt is planning another go at the Grizzly.Note to myself-leave the flimsy promo roller banners a home- they snapped within seconds of exposure to the Seaton seafront winds.I’ll take sturdy galeproof signs next time.

This week Matt & I are off for a little break with pals- just a eek but we feel in need of it. Work has been exceedingly busy & we are very grateful- but our heads hurt a bit.Wil be lovely to step down a gear.

George & the team will be looking after home,bakery,animals and we look forward to getting back refreshed and bushytailed.

Love to all our pals- sonme of whom are going through very sad tmes at the mo.

Ted- thanks again for your camera- it makes popping pics on here easy peasy.

Aud- keep dancing- see you when we get back Hon.

Matt post Grizzly

Romy & Ella taking shelter in the HBuns Bongo

Em xxxxxx