Cookies-nearly there!
Hallo everone, Matt and I had a lovely time Langlaufen aka cross country skiing last week.Thanks to everyone who texted us to share the glorious & sunny weather back home!
It was a much needed break with good hearty Alpine Nudeln and plenty of Apres Ski courtesy of Lady Ga Ga.Therein lies a tale- involving lots of dodgy dancing to a fine collection of Euro Trash ditties.Hmmmmm-the less said-
Now ’tis back to school and the cookie development ‘lab’ (Bee Shack kitchen). We have done & dusted our choccie & nutty cookies- it’s just the apple one we’re still tweaking.I managed to find a beautiul Calvados on Monday & we’re keeping our fingers crossed that it might just provide the cookie aux Pommes with the required Ooom Pa Pa.
It will not be sany old apple cookie. It will be a Honeybuns apple cookie-. Launch date for this new range is still set for late April but the tension is mounting-the uber cool & collected Charlotte is still remarkably good humoured despite all the endless reworkings & tweakings-it’ll be worth it all in the end Char-honest.
Baking a good cookie could be straightforward for us. We used to do a whole range 8 years ago including: SpicyCat Cookies, Nutley Wood Jumbles, Triple Choc Tinkers-but they were all wheat flour based. This time round we’ve set ourselves a nice little challenge- to make them free from refined sugar AND gluten free.
There is nothing on the market that currently tastes wow-we never desire to replicate. If some one else is doing a good job we wouldn’t want to copy- hence the added ‘free from’ challenge.No one else is doing this right now.It’s just a bit darn difficult-(this possibly explains why no one has done a nice one yet).
I met with the delightful Rosemary Moon in Londinium today. Rosemary is currently writing our recipe book proposal.’s also the story of our little bakery, of our quirky, eclectic approach to commerce & our wonderful, magical team-.fingers crossed our agent & the publishers like it. We think it looks beautiful-.and it’ll be packed with tasty morsels about life at Honeybuns.
We are very little bees right now. Other current projects include waiting for our first Honeybuns cuddly keyring samples to be made, preparing for the big trade shows and our brand new Bakery Safaris. It would be lovely to slow down one day-maybe we can have a lazyish summer this year.I’d like to go on a Bongo adventure to Jersey & do the Bergerac Tour-reliving the ’80s.
Honeybuns Animals wise- Molly continues to grow in confidence. Ollie continues to debunk the German Shepherd stereotype by sucking his security blanket and greeting couriers with his ‘Mr Bumble Bee toy’ & Benners is playing sticks with anyone left standing. Pls see pics. Love to all. Em xxx