
Thank you


Instalment No. 2-

Had a lovely fun filled weekend on Naish Farm, visiting friends and family and most of all making the most of the sunshine, or should I say sunny spells. Seizing the sunny moments, Em and I were lucky enough to go out for a lovely and surprisingly calm ride on Molly and Scrumpy through the beautiful Dorset countryside.


The start of the week has brought new tasks-keeping on top of all these different methods of communication, is quite the time consumer. The Bee Newsletter, was delivered to the office on Tuesday and received by mush enthusiasm by the team. If you would like a Bee Newsletter but you don’t currently receive one then all you need to do is click on the link on the left hand side of the home page to be instructed further-happy reading. Please note: amazing when accompanied by a chocolate tinker J.


The first Saturday of the month has crept up upon us again. This coming Saturday Honeybuns will be hosting its monthly Bee Shack open day, where all are welcome to come and taste our gorgeous Dorset cakes accompanied by a tanker of tea in a relaxed, chilled out atmosphere. Fingers crossed the weather will be sunny and hopefully stable, so the stunning views of Honeybuns’s surrounding countryside can be fully appreciated in all their glory.


Unfortunately this is my last Blog as I’m only a Honeybuns resident until the end of the week. However I have had a fantastic time and gained some invaluable work experience, which will help me on my way. Everyone has been so welcoming and kind and I want to say a big thank you to the Honeybuns team it has been thoroughly appreciated.


I can leave with a head jammed packed with Honeybuns knowledge, some valuable experience and a big smile on my face, plus with some dismay, yet a large likelihood, some additional pounds to the waist line-I just keep telling myself its all art of the experience, unavoidable some may say.


Have a lovely summer

Take care




The Bee Shack, Once upon a time…

Come and join us for a cupa

Please find us on Twitter at: HoneybunsBakery