
Honeybuns back from Tour de France

Bon Soir!

Well we survived our journey to Paris last week. It was a bit of a flying trip in just under 48 hours. The cakes  had a whistle stop tour of Paris & seemed to go down exceedingly well. Our little savoury tarts stole the show though-.I’m thinking maybe we need to increase the range already-

First things first though- the tarts are finally going to be on sale in the brand new Poole John Lewis At Home store a week before Christmas- exciting. We’ll have a lot to listen to feedback wise- it’s our first proper full on savoury launch & there are bound to be things we can improve upon.

We’ve worked hard on getting the label to look lovely yet not too cluttered- pls see deign pic below. Hope you like it.

It was all go in the Bee Shack on Saturday,– we had a mini little opening on the Friday evening- thank you so much to the trusty die hard fans who supported us- but Saturday was the day everyone decided to come along in force. There were carols, donkeys, cakes, mulled vino & lots of festive cheer- what could be nicer? We close the little Cafe through Jan & Feb and reopen for Sat 6th March.  Our hot choc & teas are from the gorgeous Dorset based Clipper & our beautiful coffee is from Reads Coffee Roasters– just 2 miles down the road-what’s not to love? So many of things we serve in the Bee Shack are from Dorset- our lovely county is a veritable store cupboard of delights.

Our Little Savoury Tarts

If you are still searching for Christmas pressies- our tins can be beautifully giftwrapped for you-in brown craft paper & ultra pretty polka dot ribbon with a super Honeybuns cake tin gift tag.Have a lookie on www/

Wishing everyone a warm & toasty week- staying out of this nasty wet & blustery weather. Here’s to lashings of hot chocolate & quality snuggle time.

Our Little Savoury Tarts Em xxx