Happy Honeybuns Christmas
Hallo from us all at Honeybuns,
It has been an exceptionally busy couple of weeks for the bakery & packing teams. Our online shop has really come into its own this year & orders for our giftwrapped tins have kept Jackie & our local post office extremely busy. Trade orders have also gone a bit bananas- we’re not sure if this is to do with the cold snap- everyone does tend to get a little bit more peckish if there is a nip in the air. We’ll all be glad of the Christmas break to recharge our batteries.
Foodywise we’ve been spoilt rotten by Charlotte who cooked us all a beautiful Christmas roast with all the trimmings last Friday.The veggie option was roast & stuffed butternut squash with red onion gravy- delishiousness on a plate.Today in the office we’re nibbling on teensy tiny mince pies made with orange zest pastry & filled to bursting with roasted nuts added to the mincemeat.
We’re all warm & cosy & listening to Carols on the radio- if anything it’s a tad challenging to focus on work. Only 3 sleeps left!!!
We’re not forgetting the wildlife here on the farm. The birds have plentiful supplies of all our reject almonds & hazelnuts to tuck into. Just outside the office/stable door we have positioned lots of feeders. We are lucky enough to have whole flocks of sparrows, assorted finches & tits coming to feed.
The donkeys are looking nice & rotund for this time of year. Meg & Tash are now in their late teens & we have to make sure they keep a nice bit of weight on before the winter really sets in.It looks very festive in the big barn behind the bakery with them all gathered around the hay manger.
This will be our last blog for a little while.
Many Thanks for all your support this year and wishing you a fantabulous Christmas & Peaceful New Year,
Em & us all at Honeybuns