Gluten free cakes for Mother’s Day
The daffodils are now out in abundance & the farm has truly woken up for Spring – at long last. The birds are racing around looking for nesting sites and all the buds are coming out on the hedgerows too. It’s been beautifully warm here in Dorset over the last week – a few of us have cracked open the flip flop storage box & bared our toes for the first time. My trusty flip flops will now be worn until October – it’s definitely a case of mind over matter-
Our Bakery is busier than ever with orders for our award winning gluten free brownies selling particularly strongly. We’re working hard to keep up with the demand – it’s always a challenge – to carry on making cakes authentically by hand is something we will not relinquish. I guess we need more people & a barn extension!
Speaking of award winning, we’re entering the Annual Great Taste Awards this year – Good luck to everyone who has entered – it is billed as the Foodie answer to the Oscars. We’re keeping our fingers crossed.
Mother’s Day has also seen us taking more and more orders for our beautifully wrapped gift tins online. Lottie has perfected the art of ribbon bow tying & the Honeybuns mail order parcels really do look as pretty as a picture. We’re working on lots of new gift ideas which will be going online shortly.
We’re all settled into the new office now – it’s still quite echoey – we need to grow into the space. That shouldn’t be a problem as none of us our known for our minimalism-.. Already we’ve popped a squidgy sofa & chairs inside for our visitors’ area. Any excuse to source more bits of furniture & accessories-
Last week I was lucky enough to visit The Honeypot House nestled in the heart of the New Forest. This fabulous charity helps children who are carers. The children, aged from 5 (!) to 13 are given holidays at the House as a break from their everyday caring responsibilities. As ever, we were extremely humbled by the experience & we’re delighted to be supporting this charity again this year. Now when you shop on line with us we’ll be offering you the opportunity to donate £1 to the Honeypot Charity.
Wishing everyone a fantakka ding dong week of more sunshine & Al Fresco lunch breaks,
Em x