Gorgeous Gluten Free Gifts online
We’re over the moon with our delightful ‘Tea Party in a Purses’- finally they’re ready to order from our Honeybuns online shop– they are surely amongst the cutest of stocking fillers around this year. I’m hoping that there’ll be spares for us in the office-.My one and only posh lipstick will fit into the purse once the cakes have been snaffled; and let’s be frank- that won’t take long.
Gorgeous stocking filler
Our fridge clips are also super cute & ideal as Little Office/Secret Santa pressies.
Gorgeous Fridge Clips
I promised a great friend Beverley (She off The Muddy Dog Company) that I would do my best to spread the word about her delightful Patterdale puppies too. Kind, committed, knowledgeable homes are sought. Please drop me a line via th****@ho*******.uk & if you are interested I can pass you on to Beverley herself. She is very keen to find country homes- as Patterdales are energetic little souls who love to rootle in the undergrowth and they thrive on being busy.
Poppy’s I Pad
As well as our own on line stocking fillers, tins of cake etc I’ll be heading over to The Somerst Cider Brandy Company for some of their sensational ‘Kingston Black’ as described on their website-
‘The Kingston Black Apple Aperitif 18% is made by blending the famed juice from the legendary Kingston Black apple with Somerset Cider Brandy. It is full of apple flavours and leaves the palate with an intriguing dry finish – a bit like a white port or a Pineau de Charentes.’
We’ll be enjoying this poured over a home made Christmas pud.
We’re just a bit in love with this Somerset artisan company of great reknown. Having been to their recent apple Day & having also toured the orchards & Distillery we were all delighted by the full velocity passion for food,drink & rural traditions.Awesome. www.ciderbrandy.co.uk
Finally, with absolutely nothing to do with food nor drink I just wanted to say how brilliant the Swan Theatre’s recent production of Tess of the D’Ubervilles was. I ventured out with a neighbour one wet & windy evening & we were enchanted, along with the rest of the audience. Fab- u -lous!!! www.swan–theatre.co.uk the two leads were both under 20 years of age too.
Wishing everyone a very lovely weekend to come,
Em x