
April Showers


Don’t know about where you are, but here the weather has been true to April tradition, with chilly starts, glorious sunshine and sudden downpours. Most of us seem to have been caught out in the clothing department at some point this week by not being sufficiently prepared for sudden changes.  Not only has this been a human affliction; alas the broad beans which are looking strong and sturdy, and the teeny tiny carrots have had to brace themselves against some frosts- come on carrots – we’re rooting for you!

Teeny Tiny Carrots – Come On!

Have you seen the gorgeous things on The Wise House’s website? We absolutely love their stuff, in fact there’s a wish list of sorts developing at an unhealthy rate here in the office! There are just a few days left for you to get a free Honeybuns cake and 10% off your order if you visit and order via their website before Tuesday 24th April. Go, go, go – don’t miss out!  Throughout May our Tinker Tuesday prizes will include some of their gorgeous goodies in addition to the tin of Tinkers.

Our Tinker Tuesday partners for next week are the Little Book of Dorset – a gem of a book which features some little known and fascinating facts about our beloved county. For your chance to win this and a tin of Triple Chocolate Tinkers, all it takes is to answer the question on the competition page on our website. Check it out from 9am each Tuesday morning.

The Little Books Series

If you’re at a loss for a Saturday activity (until our next Bee Shack day of course), then why not take a peek at Simply type in your postcode, village or town for listings of upcoming events of all kinds. Here in the office we’ve found we rather like it.

Those of you who have liked us on Facebook may have already heard about our friendly pheasant who comes for supper each evening. He joins Posh, Pecks and Elton for a spot of chicken feed – we think he favours the cake crumbs really. Anyhoo – we’re looking to name him –  fitting suggestions are welcomed, so far there are a few tickling our fancy. If you haven’t already, find us on Facebook, if you already have, be sure to send us your suggestions and share us with friends and family who you think might like us.

Peckingham Palace

As a small artisan bakery we pride ourselves on our handmade cakes made from carefully selected ingredients by brilliant people who pay close attention to detail. I’m currently in the process of putting together some photo albums to give you all a better idea of what goes on int he Bakery itself- here are our Almond and Slightly Salted Pistachio Cookies.

Almond & Pistachio Cookies

Till next week, take it easy peeps.

Nina x

(Em is on maternity leave)