
My Kind of Kedgeree Recipe

Last night I had a very fussy (Audrey won’t mind that) nay ‘discerning’  and gluten averse friend coming around for a quick supper.

Things needed to be very quick & adaptable owing to having two extremely lively little boys leaping around and having a shamefully understocked fridge.

We do have the beginnings of a seasonal courgette glut in our Honeybuns team polytunnel. I was keen to mop these up & there were two frozen smoked haddock fillets in the I set to work.

Boil some rice. I’m rubbish at measuring but I’d say a cup and a bit of dried per person. The important bit is not to scrimp on the veggies & fish- try & aim for a ’50-50 rice to tasty additions ratio’

For the tasty additions- sweat out some coriander seeds- crushed with a couple of teaspoons of garam masala & cumin in a hot pan with rapeseed oil. Wait for it to smell nice & ‘toasty’ & add sliced red onions. 2 lg onions to feed 3. Approx. Stir occasionally & wait for the onions to soften. Then set aside.Add chopped fresh coriander.

Chop courgettes, mushrooms & cherry toms & garlic- all I’d say is be generous- I failed to count the veggies last night. Drizzle with rapeseed oil & roast in preheated oven for 20 mins.

Pop fish in oven too- 10 mins is ample all at 180 deg.I had just two small fillets but aim for one fillet per person ideally.

Once rice is done mix in all the tasty bits- veggies, fish, spiced onions & stir in a dollop or two of tomato chutney (gluten free). Plus a splash or two of gluten free soy sauce.You can also add peas in – they can cook in the rice water for last couple of mins.You can add a knob of butter for extra luxe.

It was really quick, served in one dish naturally gluten free & super adaptable. Chopped boiled free range eggs are lovely to add as is buttered spinach with a little nutmeg/cracked black pepper. We had chopped coriander & red chilies on the sidfe as Audrey isn’t too partial to them.

Em x