
Tree planting

Since last winter, 2013, we’ve been planting native trees and hedging plants like dervishes. The motivation is seeing the astonishing increase in the bird population. We see more types of bird and in greater numbers year on year.

Em watering

When we moved into Naish Farm, 13 years ago, it was very much a working parcel of land. There were few trees and some hedges had been removed in order to make the land more suitable for grazing cattle.


It has been a privilege to be able to replant the old orchard with a mixture of apple, walnut, pear and plum trees. We’ve referred to the Woodland Trust and Bumblebee Conservation Trust websites for guidance on what species best support bird, butterfly and bee life.

Apple tree

Specifically we’ve been planting double rows of hedgelines to create wildlife corridors. Birds, mammals and insects can all benefit and we humans (especially children) can explore the magical green paths around the site that this ‘corridor planting’ creates.

Insect on yellow flower

The trees that seem to do best on our heavy North Dorset clay soil are: The English oak, Beech, Horse chestnut, Ash and  Rowan. The English oak and Hawthorn are two of the best trees you can plant to support British wildlife. Wildforms is excellent for really affordable wildlife friendly trees.