
How do we develop our gluten free recipes?

Kenwood mixer and ingredients

Initially the recipes were inspired by Emma’s grandmother and mother who were streets ahead of their time in using unusual ingredients and always focusing on flavour and texture. In the Honeybuns start up days Emma was baking and delivering and therefore could gauge, face to face, customer responses and tweak recipes accordingly. Most of all the development of our recipes has been done intuitively, we are in tune with trends and take a long term view – avoiding faddishness but relishing innovation where called for. We are always active in our test kitchen which is also a team room and pop up community cafe – we road test everything in there and at shows, including our Glastonbury Festival cafe. We have entered our cakes in the non gluten free categories in the Great Taste Awards to demonstrate they have to be as good as if not better than non free from offers. Our customers comment all the time on being amazed that our products can actually taste so good and be free from anything!

Writing our first and second cook books has also helped us focus on new product development and improving existing ones.