
As Autumn turns into Winter at Naish Farm

Starling sitting in tree

As autumn rapidly turns into winter, there are lots of changes beyond the leaves falling off the trees.

The last of the swallows have left the UK for sunnier climes but we start to get the new arrivals from the continent such as starlings, Redwing, Fieldfare and Mistle Thrush. If we’re lucky and it’s cold enough we could see a few Waxwing. We also get increased numbers of Little Egret, that majestic white heron with the bright yellow clown feet’. Around the bakery we have our usual group of sparrows and starlings, a nice sighting of Barn Owl at the beginning of the week and Bullfinch were also seen.

Red and yellow tomatoes in dish

We are still getting the last of the poly tunnel tomatoes and there are still plenty of carrots and beetroot to pull in the veggie bed. There is also the odd celeriac left. The fennel did really well this year too.

We, and the lovely Bee Shack customers planted quite a few bulbs in the field in November despite the atrocious weather. The bulbs will hopefully make a fantastic display when they come up in the spring. The trees planted on our Big Dig day last year are doing well and most produced some good growth this year.

Keep feeding the birds as the weather deteriorates and make sure you leave a pile of logs or a little untouched area in the garden for the hedgehogs to live.

Handpainted Nature Log Pile sign

Log in log pile